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Bed Bugs

Cimex lectularius

Prime Season

Summer, Spring & Winter

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are tiny, hard-to-see insects that are extremely difficult to detect and control. Contrary to popular belief, these insects do not require a specifically filthy area in order to become widespread.

They are prone to hide in crevices, headboards and nightstands during the day and they typically prefer messy conditions, as these offer ways to stay close to their prey. They usually come out to feed at night on the blood of humans and animals. Bed bugs aren’t necessarily located only in beds, as they can move an extra 30 metres in order to feed. The female can lay one to five eggs a day and the insects are very adaptable in different environments.

Bed bug Infestation

Here’s how you’ll know your property has been infested by bed bugs;

  • Blood stains found on pillowcase and sheets

  • Faecal marks on sheets, clothes, mattresses and walls

  • An unusual musty odour - severe infestation may smell like rust

  • Mysterious bites in a cluster of 3 or 4 on arms, hands and legs

  • Eggs and shell casings found loosely stuck in various areas (seams of chairs, electrical appliances and folds of curtains) - eggs are pearly white, while casings are yellowish-brown.

Because these insects can replicate so quickly without anyone directly noticing, pest control often becomes a necessity.

Hide And Seek Pests are available 24/7 to control bed bug infestation. Our pest control technicians are the British Pest Control Association (BPCA) qualified, but more importantly, have experience treating bed bug infestation in both commercial and residential settings.

Contact us on 0203 198 8710 or email us at for more info.

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