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Prime Season

Summer & Spring


There are a number of beetles known to be pests on properties in the UK. These include biscuit beetles, ground beetles, furniture beetles, larder beetles, longhorn beetles, plaster beetles, spider beetles and more. The common beetles that pose a problem are carpet beetles. This insect are known as a destructive invader that would damage your fabrics, bedding, clothes, carpets and upholstered furniture. Thus why they are categorised as fabric pests. Small sized beetles are hard to spot. They hide in cracks and crevices in carpets, furniture, clothing, and under the floorboards. Adult beetles can lay up to 100 eggs at a time, which can lead to an infestation shortly after invading your property.

Beetle Infestation

Here are some signs that you may have a beetle infestation

  • Damage on fabric items

  • Sightings of live or dead adult beetles

  • Sightings of faecal pellets and brown shedded skins

  • Larvae and eggs can be found in dark spaces

Contact Hide And Seek Pests for the eradication of beetles off your properties. Call us on 0203 198 8710 or email us at .

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