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Musca domestica

Prime Season

Late Spring, Summer & Autumn


There are a few species of flies commonly found in homes and businesses. Indoor flies include fruit flies, phorid flies, drain flies, houseflies, and carrion flies. Though flies have short lifespans, they can lay hundreds of eggs a week that can lead to an uncontrollable infestation at your property. Flies breed in areas of poor sanitation such as in rubbish, faces, and spoiled food. Poor sanitation and open access to properties can lead to fly infestation.

Fly Infestation

Here’s how you’ll know your property has been invaded by flies;

  • Regular sighting of flies

  • Maggots can be seen in waste areas

  • Small dark cluster spots are found on your property

Using insecticides is not enough to solve the issue. Pest control on flies is most successful with identification and elimination of their breeding sites. Hide and Seek Pests technicians are experienced in eradicating fly infestations.

For a tranquil home free of flies, call Hide And Seek Pests experts today at 0203 198 8710 or email us at .

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