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Prime Season

Summer, Fall & Winter


House mice (Mus musculus) and brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) are common rodents found in the UK. These critters pose health hazards to humans and pets as they carry rodent-borne diseases such as salmonella and listeria. These diseases can be life threatening especially to immunocompromised individuals.

Infestation can happen in both residential and commercial buildings. Significant structural damage to any type of building can be done by these creatures through gnawing, nest-building and defecation.

Rodent Infestation

Here’s how you’ll know your property has been invaded by rodents;

  • Mice droppings can be seen in multiple areas of your property

  • Urine trail and odour can be detected. The smell of mouse urine is quite distinctive, so you won’t miss it

  • Damages such as gnaw marks on food packaging, cabinets and other building structures (roofs, walls, support beams)

  • Scurrying, scratching and rustling sounds

Rats are most often found outdoors, therefore present additional problems. Drainage and sewage are often their entry point.

Rapid reproduction rates of rodents pose a serious threat. An infestation left unattended will guarantee to make the situation worse.

Hide And Seek Pests are available 24/7 to control rodent problems you may have. We can protect your home and/or business from rodents with our effective proofing methods, coupled with our efficient treatment program to prevent re-infestation.

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