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Prime Season

Fall & Early Spring


Tick infestation can occur when a tick is unintentionally brought to your property from outdoors, wooded or bushy areas. As these insects require blood to survive, they would attach themselves to your body parts or your pets’ and bury their heads into the skin. Once it enters your property, it typically lays eggs near windows, doors, furniture, edges of rugs and curtains.

Ticks are another insect that can transmit harmful diseases. These include Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tularemia, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis and tick-borne relapsing fever. Thus, it is important to eliminate tick infestation for your safety.

Tick Infestation

Here are some common signs of ticks infestation

  • Regular presence of ticks on people and pets commonly in the property

  • Sign of tick bites on skin which appears as a red bull’s eye rash

To rid of a tick infestation at your property, call Hide And Seek Pests on 0203 198 8710 or email us at .

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